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Prophet of the Principle: Remembering Dr. Sid. E. Williams

Brett Cooper
January 1, 2013 

The signature, "hey boy, you been here before?" chimed in my head repeatedly as sheer anguish overwhelmed me upon word of the December 27th death of Life University Chiropractor Dr. Sid. Williams. Sid had lived a fruitful and unprecedented life, passing at the age of 84 and paving the way for thousands of principled Chiropractors worldwide. Sid passed two days after Christmas due to his long fight with pneumonia. A man who’s heart rests in the peach tree state of Georgia, he was born on March 18, 1928. Due to an injury which ended his hopes of pursue a professional football career, Dr. Sid turned to the developing concept of Chiropractic, earning a bachelor’s of science degree in industrial management at Georgia Tech. He later finished his schooling at the Palmer School of Chiropractic in Iowa, graduating in 1956, 
aspiring to transform the practice into a national phenomenon. 

The emergence of his world-renowned seminars, 
which he labelled “Dynamic Essentials” in 1964, truly put the man on the map. William’s mass gatherings of Chiropractors from countries across the globe truly highlighted the profession in a big way, as he was often compared to Jesus himself, preaching the word not of the Chiropractic business, but the health and wellness the profession brought forth to the patient. He would later go on to found the globally acclaimed Life University alongside his wife, Nell, in 1974, where graduate students could become educated in the field he believed was the key to all health. 

My step-father, Dr. Peter Amlinger currently serves as the President of the Ontario Chiropractic Association (OCA), and has too been touched personally by the loss of both the decorator of the profession and a dear friend. He was well acquainted with Dr. Williams, as our family attend his Dynamic Essentials seminars in Metro Georgia on a frequent basis. My most predominant memory of the man was during his opening lecture in 2010, where he stood tall upon the podium in his brushed, off-grey tweed suit, a whirl of energy and hand motions. But what I remember most was the banner hung high upon the wall of the gala room behind him which read “Nothing is Bigger than Life”. Those distractingly large blue letters have long since imprinted themselves in my mind, both humbling and inspirational. Passing him and his wife was always a joy, as he would welcome me with a firm handshake and an even warmer smile, flashing those teeth which truly brought out the charm within him. The southern accent and unmistakeable loving passion for the practice of which he nurtured and developed will forever be  two things I shall never dare forget in his passing. Dr. Sid. E. Williams was a man of valour and complete chivalry, the man who stared adversity dead in the eyes from the mere ages of his late teens, enduring countless critics and rigorous work to strengthen his child, Chiropractic. We thank you, Dr. Sid, and shall continue your honour of installing health and well-being into spines worldwide. 

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